🗞 The community magazine, the first source of information on local life

Lola Morvan

The local authority magazine is the medium to report, once the municipal team is elected, on the respect of its campaign commitments through the actions implemented. He is The main means of communication for elected officials premises. To respond to a call for tenders on public procurement or to develop a territorial project, we explain to you how the municipal magazine is a Support that you should consult. As long as you know in advance what you want to find there.

Access to field, political and digestible information

With an annual circulation of over 150 million copies, The territorial press is the first source of information on local life.

  • 95% of municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants have a magazine and 91% of intercommunalities
  • On average, 7 issues per year are published by local authorities
  • 82% of municipalities that publish a magazine publish it online

Both in form and in content, community magazines have nothing to envy their paid press cousins. They try to have a tone, they address topics of funds, politics, borrowing the codes of the magazine press.

For more than 20 years, they have also held their own awards to reward the most creative initiatives: the Territorial Press and Information Prize. Every year, it rewards magazines and newspapers from local authorities and public bodies. Best editorial project, Plume d'Or, best graphic design, most beautiful One... 🏆

Work on your positioning in the local ecosystem

The way in which municipal projects are presented to the public highlights What elected officials are most proud of, what they are most sensitive to. Inaugurations of new spaces, provision of new services, agenda of upcoming events, initiatives from the associative fabric... The elected official's jokes are not in the deliberations, cold and factual. They are in community magazines.

We thus identify the actors with whom the municipality is used to working 🤝

  • partners that it may be interesting to contact to qualify possible complementarities,
  • Associations mediated by the municipality with whom to build relationships, by sponsoring an event or by participating in a donation drive,
  • Competitors against whom to position your value proposition, especially when elected officials communicate about problems and dissatisfaction with the service delivered.

For sales and development teams, these news provide important information on the degree of proximity between the municipality and local actors. This makes it possible to Work on its positioning to promote the acceptance of its projects at the local level.

Register your projects in the municipal roadmap

As we were talking about in a previous article, among all administrative documents published by a community, Deliberation is the one that gives a head start on knowledge of projects carried out by the municipality, as soon as the need arises. Conversely, the municipal bulletin informs you of the progress of these projects once validated.

What is the point in accessing this information if it is too late to position yourself?

Setting up charging stations, deploying video surveillance cameras, renewing the municipal vehicle fleet... This type of information gives you the starting point for reconstruct the history of these projects within the municipality. Combined with the information found in other administrative documents (price, offer details, start date of discussions), the information relayed in municipal magazines helps you to Understand how the company has entered into contracts with the local authority and under what conditions. You thus define the best way to include your projects in the municipal roadmap 📆.

Green hydrogen at Barp — A journey of renewable energy information in Goodwill, from the announcement of the need in the deliberation to the communication about the project in the city magazine

Stay in contact with the field without being physically there

This local information, brought into commercial discussions, promote the territorial anchoring of project leaders. They are all opportunities to reconnect or to maintain a close relationship with elected officials.

Examples of field information to bounce back on 📞

  • Events organized by the municipality
  • Road repair work
  • Inaugurations of cultural sites
  • Arrivals and departures within the municipal team
  • Collection of donations organized by an association

Accessing hot local news and using it wisely allows you to re-engage in discussions with the community at the right time, with the right discourse. The gazette, the municipal newsletter or even the cabbage leaf... Whatever you call it, the community magazine still has a bright future ahead of it! 🌞